Children's Week: Create a Magical Secret Garden - Mornington
Facebook Group
Mon 23 Oct 2023 - Sun 29 Oct 2023
Help us celebrate Children's Week with a Magical Secret Garden at Our Library.
Kids can get creative with art supplies to create a magical secret garden at our library.
A week long activity for kids using a range of art supplies and paper and cardboard to create a secret garden full of flowers and trees toadstools, fairies and elves at every library branch.
The secret garden will be on display for children of all ages to explore and add to. Art supplies will be available to all children to create something to add to the garden if they choose.
Free, no bookings required
When: Monday, 23 October 2023 | 12:00 AM - Sunday, 29 October 2023 | 11:59 PM
Where: Mornington Library, Vancouver St, Mornington VIC 3931, Australia
More information at
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